Orchestrating Learning Analytics Workshop (OrLA 2016)
in conjunction with the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) 2016
27-28 June 2016 - Deusto, Bilbao (Spain)
A framework for researchers, teachers and developers
... that are considering the proposal/adoption of a novel learning analytics intervention.
Stemming from previous orchestration and learning analytics research, and the organizers' prior experience in applying such research to real classrooms, the framework identifies crucial aspects for the mutual understanding of those educational stakeholders, and it
About the workshop
The goal of the workshop is to gather members of the three target stakeholder groups (teachers, researchers, developers), and use the OrLA framework to establish common ground among them, and to spark and sustain productive discussions about the needs and benefits of learning analytics interventions in authentic educational settings.
The workshop will feature hands-on collaborative activities, structured in three main phases:
Introduction to OrLA and example of its application to a real setting
Stakeholder needs: individual activities and breakout groups (per kind of stakeholder) about the major concerns and needs when facing a learning analytics intervention/innovation
Concrete intervention cases: breakout groups formed by different stakeholders, in which the benefits of concrete LA tools are matched against the constraints of the educational setting and the needs of the specific stakeholders in that setting
Is this workshop for me?
The workshop will accept (in fact, it requires!) participants from the different educational stakeholders often involved in learning analytics interventions:
I'm a teacher
interested in applying learning analytics tools and methods in teaching practice (regardless of the level of ICT or specific learning analytics tool proficiency)
I'm a researcher
in the field of learning analytics, especially those that propose new methods and tools to be used in multiple authentic educational settings
I'm a technology developer
of learning analytics systems and tools, interested in meeting and understanding my potential end users
María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana is a post-doctoral researcher in the REACT Group at EPFL, Switzerland. Her research lines address classroom orchestration, learning design, and learning analytics with a special emphasis on teachers. Currently, she is investigating the obstacles that hinder adoption of learning analytics in authentic scenarios. She has organized workshops for teacher professional development and for scientists, on inquiry-based learning, learning analytics and ethical issues in TEL.
Luis P. Prieto is a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow at the (CHILI) Lab in EPFL (Switzerland). He has done research on open architectures to communicate heterogeneous learning technologies, and currently he is modelling teacher orchestration load during collaborative work in technology-enhanced classrooms. He has organized multiple collaborative workshops for professional development of teachers, as well as for scientists in the context of research projects.
Roberto Martinez-Maldonado is a postdoctoral research associate in the Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia. He obtained his doctorate degree in 2014 from the University of Sydney, Australia. His areas of expertise include Human Computer Interaction, Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Education.
Yannis Dimitriadis is a Full Professor at the University of Valladolid, Spain, where he leads the GSIC/EMIC research group. His research interests include the technological support for orchestration of learning, from learning design to enactment and evaluation. He is an experienced workshop organizer, including several workshops in past editions of the CSCL and ICLS conferences, professional development workshops for teachers, and workshops in the context of research projects.